the garden

created file: 20231204 // last saved: 20231222

"in the garden / fall through again / the ever changing bloom / will change you into something new." - halina heron, 'in the garden'

It feels pretentious calling this vault a “second brain” when, in reality, it’s more akin to a Five Star™ five-subject notebook where I just put whatever in it, especially when you compare this vault to other digital gardens online. That said, the more I work on this garden, the more I realize the benefits of actively making connections as you learn something new, so this garden is an exercise in such connections as I move forward in my learning journey.

    Current learning and research of interest:
  1. HTML & CSS via The Odin Project and freeCodeCamp’s Responsive Web Design course
  2. Foundations of the Internet and the web
  3. Web revival and my personal relationship with technology
  4. Digital gardening – what is it, and how can it transform the way people think? How will it work for me personally?

places of interest

there are no correct places to go when wandering about the flowers and weeds

more info

pointers of note regarding the garden

I take my notes using Obsidian.

Highlight color schemes: Highlighting is provided by the Obsidian plugin Highlightr.

Disclaimer: On citing and sources

As this is intended to be an online version of my Obsidian vault that I primarily use for learning and notetaking, the sources that I use for my studies will usually be listed at the bottom of my notes for my own personal reference, and my citations, if done at all, may be academically incorrect. Please think of this garden as someone’s class notes you may have found left in a table of a cafe and not as a source used for actual academic writing. Thank you!

So why is this on the web?

Making something like this public encourages me to continue my efforts into it. It’s incredibly satisfying seeing something grow over time, just like a plant. This is also a good way for me to practice using Git and maintaining an active repository!