
my dragonborn for skyrim. she came about when i found that dual-wielding both magic and sword was incredibly fun, and i've always come back to her since.

yulia aumilie

yulia, otherwise known as the dragonborn, is a sharp and fierce wielder of magicks and a silver blade.

table of contents

key points




key points

birthsign >> the thief

epithet >> yulia stormsinger

titles >> lady of storms, archmage of winterhold, dovahkiin and world eater's bane

characterization >>

The way I have her in my mind is almost like a fantasy version of a netrunner - always in pursuit of knowledge, and nimble in both mind and body.

favored skills >> destruction, conjuration, restoration, one-handed, light armor, speech

affiliations >> the college of winterhold, dawnguard, the greybeards, wyvern rock


A half-Breton, half-Nord spellsword hailing from a once prosperous and powerful family in Daggerfall, Yulia is as sharp as she is with her wit as well as her blade. Despite only being half Breton, magicka still flows strongly throughout her blood, therefore lending her a mastery in both destruction and conjuration magic.

Even as a young child, she could not be kept away from secrets, as her relentless curiosity and thirst for knowledge lent her trouble, big and small, especially with her strict and indomitable Breton father. This quest for knowledge is nearly insatiable, to the point where Yulia would then actively break into restricted sections in libraries in pursuit of whatever she wanted to learn at that moment in time. Because of this, Yulia certainly landed herself as a troublemaker among her siblings - just for reasons different than most.

Although her upbringing was heavily rooted in her Breton culture and magic, her Nord mother would not let her pass up the opportunity to learn how to properly wield a blade, and would even force a young Yulia along with her siblings to go through day-long lessons without a single drop of magicka used in those long hours.

Despite her innate proficiency with the school of destruction, an accident would leave Yulia forever scarred in both appearance and mind. Ambitious to the point of foolhardiness, a 20-year old Yulia attempted to call and wield lightning during a severe rain and thunderstorm, with her older sister Cerise watching nearby despite her heavy disapproval. To call lightning directly from the heavens is a task of foolishness indeed, and Yulia was lucky to only have been left with body scars, shock-white hair, and depleted magicka reserves that took years to recover back to full. The use of shock magic afterward would be something that scared her - something that she would try her damndest to hide, for what kind of mage would be terrified over something they can wield? However, after a conversation with Cerise, Yulia learned just how important fear can be:

“If someone fully believes that they can control the elements, then they're dead wrong. You're only acting with them in tandem through your magicka - willingness to collaborate does not equal one having control over the other. You must fear what you're wielding since you know the damage it can do to yourself and others if not wielded properly. You also must respect it.”
Since then, Yulia resolved to make a return to shock magic, and eventually it would become her specialty element after further training whilst coaxing her magicka reserves to heal.

Her days as a student of magic and blade would eventually grind to a sudden halt and with Yulia thrust out into the unforgiving hands of the world as, in one night, her family home and neighboring city exploded into chaos with an unexpected vampire raid, killing many and sparing few. During the crisis, Cerise disappeared without a trace, and all of the Aumilie family other than Yulia herself and her father were lost. Not long after, Yulia begins a pursuit after traces of her sister, firmly believing that she was still alive, and that she was heavily involved with the destruction of their family and the raid into Daggerfall. This pursuit eventually lands her in Skyrim, where she attempts to find out more about vampires as a whole through the College of Winterhold and eventually the Dawnguard.


dragon-hearted >>

a master of initiative >>


cerise >>

lydia >>

serana >>

kaidan >>