
this is my collection of links to pages that i found and liked while traversing the internet!

last updated >> 20240924

table of contents


articles and reading of interest

old web resources


some of my favorite places on the web!

my inspirations

nightfall.city >> this site is so wonderfully atmospheric to me, in the sense that it's both very old web and that the writing in here easily takes you to places in your mind. it's the main inspiration for this site!

museum of alexandra >> another personal site that i really love! i found it whilst in my foray into the old web and neocities sites.

yukoki >> >> way back when i was very much into customizing my tumblr blog, yukoki was my favorite coder who created wonderful themes. tumblr theming was basically what got me into html/css as a whole, and i must give credit where credit is due here ^^

cool websites that you should totally check out

melonking.net >> a great resource and awesome example of an old web-style site! just watch out for flashing images if you're susceptible to that kind of stuff.

jzhao.xyz >> this site was one of my main introductions to publishing a digital garden online with quartz! there's also lots of interesting things to read about here ^^

articles and reading of interest

a list of articles of interest that i want to keep here!

neocities guide - why you should build your own html website >> the tumblr post to more or less kick off my foray into the old web. i've heard of neocities prior to reading this post, but after seeing how much i really agreed with what was conveyed here, i decided to jumpstart back into my old coding interest that began when i was in high school.

intro to the web revival #1: what is the web revival? >> the next post to help continue kickstarting my interest into the old web! there's great tips in here on how to start your own too, if you like :)

the neuroknives manifesto >> this is an old web manifesto that stood out to me in particular, especially as an enjoyer of cyberpunk things. if you read through my about, a lot of it may sound familiar to you. while we're at it, here's a list of old web manifestos to peruse through if the idea is interesting to you.

on the topic of the old/slow web:

and the cozy web / digital garden front is kind of related too:

old web resources

a list of sites that were useful to me while building my own little corner of the web <3

resources list for the personal web >> i used this list of resources to discover a lot on how to make a website in the old web.

alternative internet >> a list of alternative apps and resources aimed at re-decentralizing the internet. to me, this goes very much hand-in-hand with de-googling and rejecting the modern web.